Here’s How To Remove Scratches From Wood Furniture
If you’re actively using it, your furniture isn’t going to stay perfect forever. If you have a family and wood furniture, then your bound to end up with some nicks and scratches at some point. After a while, these dings add up and your furniture ends up looking old and tired.
There are, however, a few tricks you can use to cover up those unsightly marks and reduce the appearance of wear and tear. It may help hang onto your furniture a few years longer.
Here are the best DIY hacks to keep your wood furniture looking like new:
Crayons work well for deep set scratches. Find a crayon that closely matches the color of your furniture or mix colors together by grating part of your crayons in a small bowl. Place the bowl in a boiling pan of water to melt the wax then drip the wax into the scratch. Smooth it over with a butter knife.
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